Malik Obama’s Million Dollar Manuscript

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©Jack Cashill - May 20, 2015

Future historians, should they ever interest themselves in the truth of the Obama ascendancy, will owe a major debt to documentarian Joel Gilbert.

Where others ruminate, Gilbert digs. He has struck a highly useful vein of late in developing a relationship with Barack Obama’s older half brother, Malik Obama (above), whom he recently interviewed on camera via Skype.

WND’s Jerome Corsi summarized that interview in a two-part series that focused on Malik’s well-grounded accusation that Barack exploited the African Obamas and then betrayed them.

Above: Malik and Barack Obama 1992

But there is more. Before Barack outgrew his relatives, he asked Malik to fact-check the nearly finished manuscript for his 1995 memoir, ultimately titled “Dreams from My Father.” Malik kept the manuscript.

At Gilbert’s request, Malik sent him copies of some 22 pages Barack had marked up in his own familiar scrawl. Although the book had already been heavily doctored, Obama’s literal handiwork here provides further proof that he had major help with this project.

This is a problem for the Obama legacy. Obama’s claim to genius rests on his unique authorship of “Dreams,” a claim he himself has made.

I've written two books," Obama told a crowd of teachers in Virginia in July of 2008. The crowd applauded. "I actually wrote them myself," he added with a wink and a nod, and now the teachers exploded in laughter. They got the joke: Republicans were too stupid to write their books.

More problematic still, Malik’s manuscript further strengthens the thesis I introduced on these pages in September 2008 that Obama turned to terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers for editorial assistance.

The cross-outs on the title page of Malik’s manuscript suggest that Barack rejected an earlier title, “Where My Father Lies Buried,” for his preferred title, “Claims of Inheritance.”

Gilbert believes that Ayers provided the original title to reinforce the Homeric theme of a son searching for his father. Obama changed it out, and someone obviously changed it back again.

Someone, likely Ayers, also re-edited the changes Obama made on this manuscript. Obama penciled in, “I raised my arms, throwing soft jabs at Lolo’s palm. His face had become familiar by now, as familiar as the park we were standing on.”

Now here is the passage from the published “Dreams”: “I raised my arms, throwing soft jabs at Lolo’s palm, glancing up at him every so often and realizing how familiar his

face had become after our two years together, as familiar as the earth on which we stood.”

Obama was capable of writing the clumsy “the park we were standing on.” He was not capable of writing the lyrical “the earth on which we stood.”

More revealing is the following passage from the manuscript, as penciled in by Obama: “Such self-knowledge, even if accessible, wouldn’t have made the fact of my mother’s engagement any easier to swallow.”

Now, here is this passage as it appears in “Dreams”: “Not that such self-knowledge, even if accessible, would have made my mother’s engagement any easier for him to

swallow. In fact, how and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I’ve never quite

had the courage to explore.”

As I noted in my book, “Deconstructing Obama,” Obama, like Ayers, “has a fondness for the word ‘murky.’” In a separate article, I had written, “Ayers and Obama each refer knowingly to a ‘bill of particulars.’ Doesn't everyone?”

The fact that both “murky” and “bill of particulars” were added in a single sentence after Obama’s review strengthens the case for Ayers’s involvement.

Let me add one other bit of evidence from the 22 manuscript pages Malik sent Gilbert. “Dreams” ends with Malik’s wedding at which Barack served as best man.

In “Deconstructing Obama,” I suggested that his description of Malik at the wedding was really “a mischievous muse describing Obama,” that muse being Bill Ayers.

The passage from the published “Dreams” begins, “The words he speaks are not fully his own, and in his transition he can sometimes sound stilted and dogmatic. But the magic of his laughter remains, and we can disagree without rancor.”

It concludes, “He can’t help himself in this process, for his heart is too generous and full of good humor, his attitude toward people too gentle and forgiving, to find simple solutions to the puzzle of being a black man.” In “Dreams,” of course, it is Obama who puzzles his way through the dilemma of being a black man in America.

The language of this passage flows better than Obama could have produced on his own, and it also reflects Ayers’s patronizing view of Obama whom he described in a 2012 interview as “a decent, compassionate, lovely person; pragmatic, middle-of-the-road and ambitious.”

Although Malik’s wedding is included in the pages he sent Gilbert, this extended passage is not there at all. Like “murky” and “bill of particulars,” it was added at some later date by some more knowing hand.

Curiously, Barack refers to his brother in the manuscript as “Obongo.” In the finished book, the name has been corrected to “Abongo,” the name Malik was using at the time.

Although Malik and Barack were best men at each other’s wedding, Barack’s failure to spell his brother’s name right should have given Malik a clue as to where this relationship was heading.

If there be justice in the world, Malik will find some Obama fan boy willing to pay big bucks for a manuscript that Obama has at least partially written.

And that manuscript, when examined, may finally undo Obama’s wildly undeserved reputation as “the best writer to occupy the White House since Lincoln.”





Editor's note: Jack Cashill, newest book, You Lie: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama will be available October 7.


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